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Kebutuhan: 2000 Kg
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Starting from a container group of duck livestock farmers or called KTTI where we are appointed as a producer of poultry seedlings (day old duck & day old chicken)
We stood up from the hearts of seeing livestock farmers who plain that they want to enlarge their business but they have difficulties in obtaining capital, so the requirements of the bank are so difficult, so our hearts are moved to help them in capital, and to bridge rural business actors who have the limitation to get Capital, because we consider that livestock is a very lucrative business where culinary entrepreneurs continue to grow so that the supply of meat is deficient, this is where the big chances of farmers to produce raw materials.
Now through finance technologi, medsos and simple website, we are trying to find investors interested in helping them in capital with fundraising, modernizing microfinance by building a peer-to-peer lending platform (P2P) with a credit scoring system to analyze the eligibility of prospective borrowers. We connect the micro business actors in the informal economy directly with the financiers.
With the Sharia system (profit sharing), because we think the profit-sharing system is fair and not equally profitable, where the value of the results listed in each project is the result of calculation from the farm itself.
We are SUPER, As a distributor will always be trustful and always transparent in every project.
And we've got partners who have been successful to market their crops.
Every breeder we give capital is a professional breeder, we have educated and we build in running the business, so capital lenders will calm down without thinking of the risk, we SUPER guarantee the success of the project, if our project fails SUPER replace the value and return the capital to the investor 100% intact and we attach to the problems that occur in these breeders
We believe that everyone has the same opportunity to start and develop the business, including those who have various limitations or lack the eligibility to gain access to banking services.
Our goal is very simple that just want to help breeders
#Send regards for success
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